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Live Sermons on FB Marwood Baptist Church Sundays 10:45an

Living, Growing, and Reaching Out for Jesus
Welcome to Our Community of Believers
Join and Engage in a welcoming community where faith, love, and support come together. Whether your searching for spiritual growth, fellowship, or a place to call home, we are here for you!
Unase a una comunidad vibrante y acogedora donde la fe, el amor y el apoyo se unen. Ya sea que este buscando crecimento espiritual, companerismo o un lugar al que llamar hogar, estamos aqui para usted.
Upcoming Events
Malachi 3:10

Do you have a prayer request,
a question to ask, or would like to share a story or memory, or maybe you would appreciate a call from Pastor Ken or Pastor Gabriel.
Please fill in the form! We would Love to hear from you!
Tiene una solicitud de oracion, una pregunta que hacer o le gustaria
compartir una historia o un recuerdo o tal vez apreciaria una llamada del Pastor Gabriel or Pastor Ken?
Complete el formularios, nos encantaria saber de usted.
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